give yourself good vibrations!
Om Namah Shivaya!
Honor to the "Divine Inventor of Yoga"
Chanting, or Mantra Yoga, is more than just
the Spiritual act of singing or praying.
It is also mental and physical discipline.
Besides being devotional,
chanting excercises both the
Nervous System and the Body.
Articulation of the words,
Control of the breath,
and perfection of the posture,
are all essential parts of the practice.
The beneficial effects of various specific kinds
of self-vibration, cannot be underestimated.
Nor can the oxygenation that occurs,
be overlooked or under-valued.
Chant with your heart open, and mind alert!
Chant with gleeful Spirit.
Feel the vibration throughout your body.
Notice how it transforms your state of being.
Om Asato Ma Sad Gamaya
Tamaso Ma Jyotir Gamaya
Mritior M'amritam
From ignorance, to Reality, lead me
From dullness, to Illumination, lead me
From being mortal, to Immortality
Chants from Sikhism Homepage
Bhajans Bhajans Bhajans!
Sikhnet Audio Central
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