back to LESSON ONE

Lesson Two





The fact that you are experiencing pain or other stress related ailments is merely a reflection of your body's inability to adapt perfectly to the (usually lack of) activity to which you have habituated. Your body is perfectly capable of adapting to the demands you will begin placing on it in your practice, IF you give it the care and respect it deserves! It is easy and unwise to overdo it. It is, by contrast, absolute brilliance and absolutely fulfilling when you discover how to find your limits and safely, gently, begin to expand them.




To optimize your enjoyment....

Make sure you have enough floor space so you can move without bumping into anything.

Practice with an empty stomach. (2-3 hours after eating, 1/2hr after liquids)

Make sure you're not wearing restrictive clothing. Bare feet are essential!

Workout on a clean mat or other surface that's not too hard, too soft, cold, or slippery. Open the windows or go outside to get lots of fresh air! You are more limber when it's warm. Be extra careful and patient, if the weather is cold.

Be GENTLE with yourself! Move slowly, consciously, and respect your boundaries. Yoga is about careful expansion of your limits, not running roughshod over them!

Breathe slowly and deeply. Moving with your breath. Allow your body to let go in it's own time. If you try to force it, you aren't doing yoga!

Every effort is made to keep these lessons safe. By accessing this material, you assume full responsibility for your safety, and all liablility for loss or injury!!!

The aim, and track record, of yoga is to be the safest, most efficient, way to health. The secret it reveals is that you can accomplish more by doing less....







Two new challenging workouts,
plus another powerful relaxation exercise.

We've also added, Sun Salutations,
including two thourogh warm-up segments.

Do them during workstation breaks.

Relieve tension and stress.

Help prevent, or manage, repetitive strain injury (RSI),
hypertension, and mental fatigue. Just to name a few!

At home, in the office, or just about anywhere

More and more scientific validation of yoga's many benefits
is being documented and published all the time.



covers preparation,
safety, breathing,
and "root lock"
(4.0 min)

Workout 02

part 1 (22.0 min)
part 2 (22.4 min)
part 3 (14.7 min)

Workout 03

part 1 (15.3 min)
part 2 (21.2 min)
part 3 (8.2 min)

Sun Salutations

warm-up I (20.0 min)
warm-up II (6.5 min)
six complete sets (17.0 min)


bodyscan II (8.0 min)




Workout 02
Workout 03
Sun Salutations Warm-up I
Sun Salutations Warm-up II
Sun Salutations
Body Scan II Relaxation


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